Additional Features

6X has a number of other differentiating features:

      • Coarsening
        • including Nested Coarsening
      • Well Definition
      • Advanced Scripting


6X has a number of tools for both global and nested coarsening. This is a very simple and efficient approach that provides the user with the ability to rapidly coarsen either a sector or the entire model to facilitate upscaling while retaining the key geometric characteristics

6X coarsens the model on a 2 x 2 basis areally – no coarsening is implemented vertically.

Below is an example of applying coarsening to a client model – the oil production rates of each coarsened model are compared for validation:

Nested Coarsening

Alternatively, where there is a need to add greater detail within the model in areas where it matters such as around a wellbore, a nested ‘grid refinement’ can be easily added as can be seen in the image below. Multiple patches can be added, each with their own ‘refinement’.

Note: ‘Grid refinements’ are created by coarsening where the finest resolution is the original grid.

In addition, ‘refinements’ that follow wells can easily be added.

Well Definition

Wells can be defined in terms of their trajectories (x,y,z) rather than purely as grid blocks (i,j,k) in portable JSON format.


For example, the smart well illustrated above (with packers, flow control valves, etc.) can be described and simulated via a JSON format.



Advanced Scripting

A powerful scripting tool can be used to easily incorporate calculations or additional data into the simulator as required. Scripts can perform table look ups, call the Initializer (Equilibrator), and can be called repeatedly at every time step or report step, enabling custom reporting and dynamic property calculations.

Scripting has negligible impact on performance and allows users to improve workflows and retain their IP.