Robert Archer

Business Development

Robert Archer is an accomplished petroleum engineering advisor with extensive reservoir simulation, production engineering and operations experience. In 2015, Robert co-founded Blue Wave Oil & Gas with Heikkinen Energy Advisors, a consulting firm providing portfolio reviews of performance, valuation and benchmarking generating strategic advice to management teams. Prior to co-founding Blue Wave, Robert served as the VP of Business Development and Engineering at Zone Energy, a private equity backed team operating an East Texas Woodbine water flood. In 1999, Robert co-founded Knowledge Reservoir, a subsurface consulting firm. In Ridgeway Kite, Robert is responsible for business development including lead generation, managing client evaluations and providing clients with project assistance.

Global Major licenses 6X

To help model their unconventional reservoirs, another global major energy company has licensed multiple copies of 6X in North America.
“This is the second major international energy company to have licensed 6X in the last couple of months. It is a clear indication of the acceptance of 6X in providing a unique solution for clients to model the added complexities of unconventional reservoirs, improve production and reduce costs” commented Tommy Miller, RKS CEO.

Ridgeway Kite opens Houston office

New Houston Office

With the addition of new clients in the USA and our increased activity in the America’s, we have opened a new office in Houston, Texas to increase the level of service and support for clients in the region. Please feel free to give the local team a call if you have any questions.

1001 South Dairy Ashford
Suite 100
TX 77077

Phone: +1 (832) 690-5836

Total S.A. licenses Ridgeway Kite 6X reservoir simulator.

Total S.A. has installed several copies of 6X on a massive HPC cluster farm at their Technical Center in Pau, France. This will enable Total to take full advantage of the highly scaleable nature of the software applying it to both conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
“We are extremely excited to add Total S.A. as a client with their vast portfolio of global assets. We look forward to working closely with Total’s engineers to support them in applying the 6X reservoir simulator to address some of their more challenging assets” commented Tommy Miller, CEO Ridgeway Kite Software Ltd.

Denver Users workshop

Great workshop with a cross section of 6X users in Denver in July. Getting their valuable feedback, insight and priorities on what they need us to be working on in the software to help meet the demands of their projects. Giving our senior developers first hand feedback ensures no dilution of the message.

URTec 2019 – Booth 433

We will be exhibiting with our partner, Nitec, at the Unconventional Resources Conference in Denver 22-24 July. Drop by and find out how we can help optimize the placement and performance of your next parent and child wells with our unconventional simulator, 6X . For details contact Bill Baksi, email: